Thursday, September 3, 2020

The role of the European Parliament

The job of the European Parliament Presentation The division of forces among an official, an assembly and a legal executive (Montesquieus tripartite framework, The Spirit of Laws, 1748) is the basic element of the national popularity based frameworks. The Parliament/National Assembly as a voice of the individuals can be considered as the establishment that legitimizes framework all in all. Each nation has its own parliamentary framework, perceived and recognized by the residents. The European Parliament as the EU level governing body was made on the model of its partners. Anyway its observation is fundamentally extraordinary. One can look at the interior association of both, national and European Parliament, status of their individuals or gathering framework however what sabotages all the correlations is the setting wherein these bodies are put. The job of the European Parliament is controlled by the idea of the EU and its sui generis character ‘a political framework on its own right. It settles on the job of the foundations , division of skills and between institutional relations that vary from those at the national level. Absence of customary government significantly affects the situation of the European ideological groups inside the framework. There is no official to relate to nor to contradict to. The European party framework depends on two contending administrators that groups various assets to shape conduct of ‘their MEPs [agents]-national gatherings and the European ideological groups. EU is all the time challenged due to the absence of the authenticity. The significance of the European races is reduced in light of the absence of constituent association with people in general and strength of the national issues (second request decisions). The inside techniques just as dynamic procedure are too mind boggling to even think about being completely comprehended by a normal resident. As an outcome there is an alternate situation for the gatherings to work in at the national and the EU level. It produces assorted degree of cohesiveness, capacities to control, authorizes and compensates. Every one of these elements settle on the manner in which ideological groups sort out at each level by and large or exclusively and what are the impetuses that decide their decision. Is it accurate to say that they are in truth more vulnerable in the European Parliament if looks at to those in the residential parliaments in Europe? On the off chance that it is the situation what are the pr inciple reasons that make them more vulnerable? Which of the lsquo;principals has more impact? I will contend that because of the diverse protected structure of the EU absence of government execution of the European gatherings is less clear than those at the national level. As an outcome the motivators for aggregate gathering association can be to be sure viewed as more vulnerable than it is a case for the residential parliaments. Anyway assessment of these motivators can't be misrepresented. These two levels are interlinked and commonly needy. Developing cohesiveness inside the political gatherings can be a value of both: national and European gathering levels. Significance of the EP (particularly after the Lisbon Treaty) causes increasingly more to notice what occurs in the EP. Its developing force gives national gatherings extra motivating forces to sort out all in all at the supra-local level so as to expand adequacy of their activities. Right off the bat I will stress the fundamental highlights of the European party framework, its structure, systems and levels of aggregate association. The first part will be isolated in quite a while: brief introduction of the classification utilized with regards to the European parliamentary framework and hypothesis of two chiefs the framework depends on. Also I will introduce basic impetuses for aggregate gathering association, that can be found at the two levels. In the third part, I will concentrate on European component of these impetuses. Forward part will contain a relative investigation of two levels: national and European introducing the primary contrasts. Given to the data, introduced in the earlier sections, in the fifth one, I will answer what decides casting a ballot conduct of the MEPs and inner gathering cohesiveness. In the last, 6th part, I will come to finishing up articulations. I. EUROPEAN PARTY SYSTEM STRUCTURE AND MECHANISMS Structure of the gathering framework in the European Parliament is described by its assortment of association levels and entertainers included. Most importantly there are national gathering assignments which join the European ideological groups (transnational gatherings or Europarties) which at that point make European political gatherings. These two first levels may bring about third albeit less official one at which political gatherings collaborate together so as to limit the impact of other political gatherings or to assemble a typical front against the other EU establishments, for example, the Council or the European Commission. Subsequently one could depict inward association of the European Parliament as over two or three level transnational gathering framework (see Figure 1.1). I.1. DEFINITIONS The European party framework is portrayed by the multifaceted nature of terminology which should be explained so as to comprehend the gathering association. Beginning from the primary segment of the structure. National gathering designations can be characterized as substances inside the transnational gatherings in the EP comprising of MEPs from a similar national gathering. Transnational gatherings are the gathering [s] of agents inside a given organization that regularly originate from a similar gathering family. As per Lindberg et al., in the EP, these transnational gatherings are likewise normally alluded to as (transnational) party gatherings. Be that as it may, it must be referenced that these transnational gatherings, yet they make transnational political gatherings, they are not what could be compared to the last mentioned. Much of the time political gatherings are made out of more than one ideological group. Only one out of every odd MEPs has a place with the gathering that m akes the gathering unaffiliated individuals. Political gatherings are not permitted to partake in the crusade for the European races and can't be built up if the proposed enrollment comprises of MEPs from just a single part state. Working and association of the European gatherings has its lawful premise in the Regulation (EC) No 2004/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 November 2003 on the guidelines administering ideological groups at European level and the standards with respect to their subsidizing. I.2. TWO PRINCIPALS THEORY The head operator hypothesis is much of the time utilized by the researchers to depict the relations among the entertainers associated with the EU strategy making process, to be specific: establishments and individuals states. The focal issue dissected [in this theory] is that one on-screen character (the head) needs to appoint assignments and assets to another entertainer (the operator) who will make a move for the benefit of the head however who has interests and goals of their own. Operator can't watch the activities of its head, subsequently its control capacities are restricted. It makes a genuine motivation issue and a need of the approval system to guarantee anticipated results. Head operator association applies likewise to the European Parliament. There are two gathering chiefs that have explicit assets to shape the conduct of their MEPs. Nature of these assets decides the impact and productivity of the directors. National gatherings (head 1) can utilize their control of competitor reselection and their control of the procedure of European races to impact whether a MEP is chosen for the parliament in any case. European gatherings (head 2), thus, can utilize their control of assets and force inside the parliament to impact whether a MEP can make sure about their approach and profession objectives once chose. What does the two-head hypothesis mean for the adequacy of the European party framework? What does it say about the collaborations inside the framework? As indicated by David Marquand, European gathering framework, so as to be completely law based and successful must be founded on Europe des partis where legislative issues is organized through a gathering framework, and not on Europe des patries where legislative issues is organized around national personalities and governments. It would ensure a more elevated level of interior cohesiveness and secure the approach destinations. In the European Parliament, there is anyway a critical weight from the national gatherings which may strongly affect an official conclusions of some MEP. At the point when the intensity of the EP is in question, MEPs have solid motivating force to cast a ballot together to get more force comparative with other EU establishments , to guarantee an offset. Be that as it may, the national gatherings might be urged to apply more impact over their MEPs as a result of the developing administrative intensity of the EP. Subsequently, it very well may be contended that there will be an expanded intercession by national gatherings to control the exercises of their European delegates. The working of the EP relies generally upon the collaborations between two administrators and the impact of one or/and the other. These cooperations are, thus, dictated by a ton of elements. Among the others one can make reference to: issue secured, conditions, institutional setting and systems applied by the specific gatherings. Various motivating forces offered by them bring out various conduct. Motivating forces for aggregate gathering association can be regular for the two levels: national and European, discrete or may make such a  toolbox of the motivators that are removed from the case, when there is such a need. II. Normal INCENTIVES FOR COLLECTIVE ORGANIZATION Aggregate association is one of the idea which can be applied to a ton of circles of political and sociology. It alludes to the rationale of aggregate activity of Mancur Olson and its hypothesis of gatherings. The principle reason for the aggregate association is to lessen exchange expenses of what can be accomplished by joining the gathering whose individuals share similar interests. The most clear type of coll

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Essay on A Good Man is Hard to Find Essay Example For Students

Paper on A Good Man is Hard to Find Essay Ethicalness and the grandma If you somehow happened to solicit somebody what their definition from a glad life would be, they would most likely offer you a response like, having a ton of fun. This is totally false in Aristotles terms. As per Aristotle, for a man to have a glad existence he should gain proficiency with every one of the scholarly ethics, and practice every one of the ethical excellencies for an amazing duration. These ethical ideals are equity, fearlessness, balance, superbness, generosity, benevolence, tenderness, reasonability, and knowledge. With such a significant number of temperances to continually maintain, a man can't know whether he has had a cheerful existence until his life is about wrapped up. In the story A Good Man is Hard to Find, by Flannery O Connor, the inquiry is raised whether the grandma has accomplished a condition of bliss as indicated by Aristotles terms at the hour of her demise. The appropriate response is no, in light of the fact that she is an individual who is exploitative, weak, and incautious. Of the considerable number of ethics, genuineness is drilled the least by the grandma. Genuineness is characterized as The limit or state of being straightforward; uprightness; dependability (Honesty). There are a few instances of the grandmas exploitative and conniving activities. In the start of the story, The grandma didnt need to go to Florida (O Connor 1106), so she came up with bogus reasons to attempt to convince her family to take her to Tennessee. This kindred that considers himself The Misfit is aloose from the Federal Pen and made a beeline for Florida . I wouldnt take my youngsters toward any path with a criminal like that aloose in it (O Connor 1106). While in transit to Florida, the grandma sees an old house she visited as a youngster. At the point when she needs to stop and return to the house, the grandma tells the youngsters, There was a mystery board in this house not coming clean yet wishing that she were (O Connor 1110), lying again so she could have her direction. The grandma likewise covertly brought the family feline, She had her huge dark valise and underneath it she was concealing a crate with Pitty Sing, the feline, in it (O Connor 1106), despite the fact that Her child, Bailey, didnt like to show up at an inn with a feline (O Connor 1107). At the point when The Misfit shows up, The grandma had the impossible to miss feeling that the bespectacled man was somebody she knew (O Connor 1112), yet when she later ac knowledges who the man is, she asserts, I remembered you without a moment's delay! (O Connor 1113). She discloses to The Misfit, we turned over twice! (O Connor 1112), despite the fact that the two of them realized that it was just a single time. In conclusion, the grandma lies again to herself and to The Misfit when she says, you shouldnt consider yourself The Misfit since I know youre a decent man on a fundamental level (O Connor 1113). The main explanation she says this is trying to spare her life. Another uprightness the grandma needs is fearlessness. Boldness is The state or nature of brain or soul that empowers one to confront peril with presence of mind, certainty and goals (Courage). At the point when The Misfit shows up, the grandma is only a quitter. She shows no presence of mind, Alone with The Misfit, the grandma found that she had lost her voice (O Connor 1116), showed here when she cannot talk. She likewise has no goals to the circumstance however to give The Misfit her cash, Ill give all of you the cash Ive got! (O Connor 1116), or to mislead The Misfit and disclose to him hes a decent man. Obviously none of this would have come to fruition on the off chance that it werent for the grandmas absence of shrewdness. Astuteness is sound judgment; keenness; decision making ability (Wisdom). The grandma doesn't utilize practical insight when she chooses to bring the feline along, and the feline winds up causing their mishap. The moment the valise moved, the paper top she had over the container under it rose with a growl and Pitty Sing, the feline, sprang onto Baileys shoulder (O Connor 1111). .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9 , .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9 .postImageUrl , .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9 , .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9:hover , .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9:visited , .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9:active { border:0!important; } .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9:active , .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9:hover { mistiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u542e1feb493de9 b77637b5061f378fa9 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u542e1feb493de9b77637b5061f378fa9:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Bchs football Essay But the most hasty of choices the grandma makes is the point at which she perceives The Misfit and chooses to get down on him about it. The grandma .

Friday, August 21, 2020

Director Moustapha Akkad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Executive Moustapha Akkad - Essay Example In the year 1954, with the period of 18years, Akkad showed up at the air terminal for his takeoff. He went to the University of California at Los Angeles for a long time and separated in 1958. Upon graduation, he interned under the Sam Peckinaph; an American executive, while seeking after his Master’s qualification at the USC (University of Southern California). The chief of Los Angeles; Sam Peckinaph reached Akkad while searching for an Arab talking consultant to help him build up a film about the upheaval of Algeria for autonomy. Unfortunately, the film was dropped before the finish of this upset before the finish of this insurgency, yet the connection between the two remained. Akkad continued and shaped the FIP (Falcon International Productions), to totally convey and fund John Carpenter’s Halloween; lowered spending spine cooler, composed and created by John. Woodworker, a cheerful movie producer just as the maker Irwin Yablans chose to make a low spending blood and gore movie on the sitters being kidnapped and slaughtered on Halloween. They went to Moustapha Akkad for the film financing and backing. After a meaningful conversation with Carpenter and a comprehension of his interests and thoughts for the film, Akkad acknowledged to back and delivered the film. He certainly comprehended that to be grasped, the film would need to stick to the life of Muhammed without introducing him or giving him his voice. Regardless of this, the film created bones of dispute including financing among others, consequently, the film creation was moved from Libya to Morocco. Be that as it may, the film went on and got well known. It even outperformed the current delivered motion pictures which were secretly created and dispersed (Lancaster, 2011). After the success of Halloween, Moustapha put his focus on the following epic account of opposition. His next film was the Lion on the Desert; which empowered him rejoin with Anthony Quinn in the point job. Akkad kept de livering films in the Halloween arrangement just as others in the frightfulness type, in any case, they were obviously intended to step stones to his actual energy that was to create a film on Islam and chivalrous Semitic Arab legends. Previous head administrator of Jordan; a companion to Moustapha brought up that Akkad had a decent justification of what he planned to perform. He further expressed that Akkad expected to build up an Arab film creation organization to deliver more movies about the Arab history just as political figures. For the most part, it is basic to consider this strategic an individual reflects upon the current spending plan and legitimate defamation Muslims, Islam and Semitic individuals, an individual can comprehend the manner in which this would not agree with Zionist automations. The slander and denigration of Arabic people groups have much of the time been the essential objective and point of convergence of post Israel Zionism. An individual just requires as sessment of the Hollywood film and TV creation from the previously mentioned period to prove this relational word. In the current Hollywood, Mustapha’s positive films on Islam just as its legends could never observe the truth of the day, for example, financing, the assets to deliver it just as the related appropriation. The powers of purposely invaded Zionist interests have built up a foundation set up which just shows that the media need to propel their motivation. Mustapha Akkad was prestige as an exceptionally shrewd

Friday, June 12, 2020

The MBA Debate

Is the MBA an empty status symbol? Is it a waste of time and money? Is it truly necessary to invest money in learning how to be an entrepreneur? Or does the degree carry actual weight – for entrepreneurs and other businesspeople? How good a job have top MBA programs done to keep up with the evolving business community? A recent article delves into the two sides of this debate. I’ll summarize the arguments briefly here, but I urge you to read the complete article if you are considering pursuing an MBA. The Case for an MBA, Thomas Robertson, dean of UPenn’s Wharton School Robertson believes that an MBA provides an advantage for businesspeople by teaching them how to succeed in the global marketplace and how to adapt in an ever-changing economy. Robertson further explains his positions: Some say the MBA has become too theoretical; some say its too applied. Some say its too short-term-oriented; some say too long-term-oriented. Some say MBA grads are too ambitious; some say we need more ambitious MBAs. Theres a constant debate about what MBA programs should look like. The problem is getting the right balance. There are 12,000 business schools in the world, and Wharton and a couple hundred others are in business to create new knowledge and disseminate it. We have to get the right balance between theory and practice. We have 2 million subscribers to our journal Knowledge@Wharton, which is published in multiple languages. The reason Im mentioning that is were in the business of creating knowledge, and theres an immediate payoff from what we do. If we dont do research that helps firms in the wider world, then were out of business. We have to prove that the research we do is valuable to businesses. The Case against an MBA, Henry Mintzberg, entrepreneur and professor of Management Studies at McGill University Mintzberg believes that â€Å"conventional MBA programs train the wrong people in the wrong ways with the wrong consequences.† He elaborates: Theres a role for MBAs for people who go into technical positions, like financial analysts, but other than that, anyone with an MBA should have a skull and crossbones on their forehead. It doesnt prepare them correctly and gives them the wrong impression of management. Instead, I think people should get smart, get educated, but mostly they should find a business or venture or activity that they really love and get immersed as deeply as possible before they try to create something. Furthermore, he says that not enough attention is given to business ethics, and that MBA programs have not worked adequately to modify their curricula based on the modern, evolving business world and economy. Please see â€Å"Is an MBA Still Necessary?† on for more information. ~ Helping You Write Your Best

Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Research Study On Social Research Methods - 1605 Words

METHODS Participants were selected through convenience as well as snowball sampling. The subjects were either students in Dr. Shieva Davarian’s SOCL 109-02 Social Research Methods class or acquaintances of the researchers .The participants that were targeted were between the ages of 17 and 22 and were currently enrolled in a university or secondary education program in the United States of America. In total 25 people responded to the survey in which there were 17 female respondents, 7 male respondents, and 1 respondent who did not indicate their gender. However for six of the survey questions some of the participants were excluded due to response error. The study specifically gathered data from Loyola Marymount University, which is a†¦show more content†¦After completing the survey the Likert scale questions were reverse coded, to make one the least likely and five the most likely. At that point the results for each category were added together to create an average sc ore. The open-ended questions were used to determine a general trend for why people choose the diets they consume. RESULTS Quantitative Looking at Figure 1 we see that respondents tended to buy and consume conventional foods (score of 104 out of 120) and organic products (score of 101 out of 120) the most, while home grown, gluten free, and vegetarian/vegan products were bought and consumed significantly less. Similarly in Figure 2, which rates the importance of food choices, respondents drastically preferred organic products (score of 106 out of 120) to all other types of foods. Ninety-two percent of participants believed that sustainable food costs more than conventional products, and 64% of participants believed that consuming sustainably should be a mandated practice. However participants had varied responses on who had the greatest influence on sustainable consumption (see Figure 3). At the top, participants rated communities (score of 79 out of 112), legislation/ governments (score of 72 out of 112), and individuals/ households (score of 70 out of 112), while food producers and the general public s cored slightly lower. When it came to incorporating sustainability into

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Compare and Contrast Wendys vs. Mcdonalds Essay - 918 Words

McDonald’s Versus Wendy’s Kimmeka Bowman Comm/155 June 15, 2013 J. Trammell McDonald’s Versus Wendy’s What do you typically order when dining at McDonald’s or Wendy’s? When I am having a meal from either place, my favorite choice is a fried chicken sandwich with lettuce, tomato, bacon and extra mayo. Sometimes, I may make it a combo and enjoy the greasy, salty french fries and an ice cold soft drink. Most of their customers often purchase the unhealthiest options because they feel as if that is what fast food is all about, right? Fortunately, it does not have to be that way. Fast food can be convenient and nutritious. Wendy’s and McDonald’s are both fast food restaurants, so they are alike in many†¦show more content†¦Wendy’s version of the Dollar menu is titled â€Å"Right Price, Right Size† menu. It has also introduced a feast after dark that is available after 10 p.m. This meal is made up of their Double Stack cheeseburger (pickles, onions, ketchup and mustard), an order of chili cheese fries and a 32 ounce drink for only $5. With the many options, customers must decide if they are looking for convenience and unhealthy food choices. One of the more unhealthy options at McDonald’s is a new sandwich, Bacon Habanero Ranch Quarter Pounder with Cheese. This monster of a sandwich is made with a quarter pound of 100% beef. It is topped with white cheddar cheese, Applewood smoked bacon, tomato, leaf lettuce and a spicy but creamy habanero ranch sauce on a toasted bun. Sounds delicious until the nutritious facts are given. This sandwich alone has 610 calories, 31 grams of fat, and 46 grams of carbohydrates. The fat in this sandwich is 48% of the recommended daily value. Adding fries and a drink to pair with this sandwich increases the calorie count for this meal to well over 1100. Remember, the average person consumes about 2000 calories a day. While these facts are shocking to some, Wendy’s also has some options that can be damaging to one’s health. Th e Baconator is at the top of the list. The name by itself says heart attack. This signature sandwich has not one, but two quarter pound ground beef patties. Like McDonald’s, it has Applewood smoked bacon. However, the only toppings areShow MoreRelatedEvaluation and Marketing Recommendations for in-N-Out1690 Words   |  7 PagesCheeseburger 4. 790 likes 540 dislikes: Whataburger Original Whataburger 5. 716 likes 549 dislikes: Fuddruckers 6. 807 likes 880 dislikes: Burger King Whopper 7. 772 likes 689 dislikes: Wendy’s Baconator 8. 314 likes 143 dislikes: In-N-Out Animal Style 9. 714 likes 687 dislikes: Wendy’s 1/4 Lb. Single 10. 512 likes 344 dislikes: Steak n Shake Double Steakburger The ranking above shows us that â€Å"In-N-Out Double-Double Burger† get the most likes from customers. The freshly bakedRead MoreU.s. Fast Food Industry2903 Words   |  12 Pagestheir main core products and venturing into other products as a means of increasing sales and as a smart growth strategy. For example, Pizza hut started selling chicken wings and other non-pizza items, McDonalds, Wendy’s, burger king( to mention a few) started selling chicken sandwiches, McDonald for example started selling burritos breakfast, ice-cream, yoghurt etc. This has made products seen as substitutes now as direct competitors because of diversification. 2. Using Porter s Five-ForcesRead MoreCaso Mcdonald ´S9665 Words   |  39 Pagesalready challenging competitive situation? Finally, could the lessons learned in the recent collaboration with the EDF help McDonald’s as it sought solutions to the continuing competitive challenge? †¢ †¢ The Speedee Service System Dick and Mac McDonald opened their first drive-in restaurant in 1941, relying on carhops— waiters who went from car to car—to take orders from patrons parked in the restaurant’s large lot. In 1948, the brothers abandoned their popular format and introduced self-serviceRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 Pagesstudents can hone their analytical skills and also their persuasive skills—not selling products but selling their ideas—and defend them against critical scrutiny. This is great practice for the arena of business to come. NEW TO THIS EDITION In contrast to the early editions, which examined only notable mistakes, and based on your favorable comments about recent editions, I have again included some well-known successes. While mistakes provide valuable learning insights, we can also learn fromRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagesstrength of customer spending, especially when times are tight. Study of the current economy indicates that when today’s consumer is completely satisfied with his or her product or service purchase, he or she tells six other potential buyers. In contrast, a dissatisfied consumer informs 25 other potential buyers. That is the leverage of quality in shaping consumer sentiment, which is vital in powering the two-thirds of the American economy that is consumer-driven. Therefore, as companies again goRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pages269 United Chemical Company 269 Byron vs. Thomas 271 Active Listening Exercise 272 SKILL APPLICATION 274 Activities for Communicating Supportively Suggested Assignments 274 Application Plan and Evaluation 274 274 SCORING KEYS AND COMPARISON DATA 276 Communicating Supportively 276 Scoring Key 276 Comparison Data 276 Communication Styles 276 Comparison Data 276 SKILL PRACTICE Diagnosing Problems and Fostering Understanding: United Chemical Company and Byron vs. Thomas 278 Observer’s Feedback Form

Service Marketing Queen Zaria Brand

Question: Discuss about theService Marketing for Queen Zaria Brand. Answer: Introduction: As a young breast cancer survivor, life changed a whole lot for Kamya Ghose. Life was never the same again for her. After her diagnosis, things became extremely difficult. After her surgery, life did not go back to normal. She even felt lonely and isolated. As she was looking for lingerie that could fit her, she further faced more challenges. She struggled to find bras after her operation. There was need for her to regain confidence in her body and to feel and look sexy again. After the emotional turmoil, Kamya decided to develop a lingerie line which dealt with the niche market of those who had survived breast cancer. Her lingerie line did not target the whole market, but exclusively targeted women who had had surgery related to breast cancer. She decided to introduce braziers that fit the survivors, look sexy, comfortable and is specifically made for them. Queen Zaria Brand Queen Zaria brand should offer services that will match the needs of those who have undergone mastectomy. First of all, the company should avoid using the underwire while making the braziers because the underwire is mostly located at the point where the mastectomy scar is. As a result, the underwire could hurt someone who has undergone mastectomy because of the pressure points. However, they can also make a provision of braziers with the underwire to enhance maximum support of the breast forms (Riad, 2011, p. 373). Secondly, the company should adjust the traditional shapes of bras. Thirdly, the company should use stretching fabrics to accommodate those who have had mastectomy on only one side. These bras are normally made from stretch material to enable flexibility so that they do not limit the breast forms used in mastectomy. Fourth, the company should add plus sizes (Crompvoets, 2009, pp. 75-93). Some of the steps that Queen Zaria brand needs to take to ensure excellent word of mouth at the point of customer contact include; first, the company needs to access target influencers. They should communicate to influencers in their market, such as activists, journalists, bloggers or even public figures who are normally heard by a large group of people, especially on television. The company can for example hold a talk show with one of the journalists in a popularmedia house (Sernovitz, Godin Kawasaki, 2010, p. 98). Secondly, Kamya and the other members of the managing team can create occasions where they can expose their products to the general public such as a general trial day. In this, they can make the occasion open to the whole public, with a specification of the breast cancer survivors and they can be allowed to tag along with them a friend or a family member. In these forums the people are taught on the importance of putting on lingerie after mastectomy and even how to put o n the lingerie. Through this, the company will have communicated by word of mouth to their customers (Li, Lin Lai, 2010, pp. 294-304). Thirdly, the Queen Zaria brand can promote and make a follow up with their clients after a sale. They can call the client and ask them how they feel when using the product, or send them a message and give them room for feedback. Some of the reasons why digital marketing may not work well for all segments being targeted by Queen Zaria brand include; some people may face the challenge of slow internet connections especially if the company uses too complex websites which might easily make the clients feel bored (Nadaraja Yazdanifard, 2013, p. 213) . Another reason is that the clients may lack trust in Queen Zaria brand because in the digital marketing sector, there are many people who are fraudsters and this destroys the image of reputable companies like Queen Zaria. Digital marketing may not work well because since the products of Queen Zaria brand are displayed online, some companies tend to copy their product lines because in most cases the products can be copied electronically (Wind Mahajan, 2012, p. 133). As much as Queen Zaria brand uses digital marketing, it is also important to incorporate traditional marketing methods in their marketing strategy. Traditional marketing refers to marketing products via televisions, radios, newspapers or by moving door to door. Some of the ways that the company can use to carry out traditional marketing are as follows; first, the company can deploy some of the members of the sales and marketing department to visit the cancer wards in hospitals. Here they can access patients who are recuperating after surgery and tell them about their lingerie. They can also go to hospitals where cancer survivors go for therapy and checkup. Here again they can access patients who have undergone various surgical procedures and are seeking emotional help and they can be part of their emotional well-being by selling them lingerie that will make them feel and look more sexy (Shani Chalasani, 2013, p. 89-93). The company can also market their products on newspapers whereb y they can send the photos of their models to various newspaper agents and then the pictures are printed in their newspapers and sold to various clients. Through this, the information about Queen Zaria brand can reach diversified audiences and even breast cancer survivors. They can equally use radios and televisions to advertise their lingerie and this reaches their target audience in Melbourne and they are sure that the information cannot be copied by fraudsters. Queen Zaria brand can book radio and television shows where they carry out their advertising. They can inform the public on how they can use the lingerie meant for mastectomy survivors, how they can acquire them and how they can keep them clean after acquiring them (Schmitt, 2014, pp. 53-67). Conclusion It is important for the breast cancer survivors to feel and look normal again after undergoing reconstructive surgery in order to help them so that they do not face prejudice. It is complicated going through the cancer survival process. Just like Kamya, many young women suffer as they look for lingerie that fits them after undergoing mastectomy. Some fashion houses recommend that they put on sportswear which is very uncomfortable. Thanks to companies such as Queen Zaria brand which caters for the needs of breast cancer survivors, they can still look fashionable. They manufacture the ideal lingerie for these survivors which make them feel and look sexy again, and help them regain their confidence by making braziers that do not hurt them and enhance their asymmetrical look. These companies need to embrace proper marketing techniques to enable them reach their niche market. Some breast cancer survivors feel shy about their situation and therefore continue to suffer in silence. It is the refore important to reach them through methods that will be empowering to them. Queen Zaria brand can access this niche market through either traditional marketing or digital marketing. Some of the traditional marketing methods are advertising through televisions, radios or newspapers while digital marketing is where the products are advertised online. The marketing strategy is important because through this they can assist many women who are suffering and at the same time sell their products as they make enormous profits. References Crompvoets, S., 2009. Comfort, control or conformity: women who choose breast reconstruction following mastectomy. Health care for women international. Li, Y. M., Lin, C. H., and Lai, C. Y., 2010. Identifying influential reviewers for word of mouth marketing. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. Nadaraja, R. and Yazdanifard, R., 2013. Social media marketing: advantages and disadvantages. Center of Southern New Hampshire University. Riad, C.M., 2011. Breast prosthesis form. U.S. Patent Application no. 30. Schmitt, B., 2014. Experiential marketing. Journal of marketing management. Sernovitz, A., Godin, S. and Kawasaki, G., 2010. Word of mouth marketing: how smart companies get people talking. Kaplan pub. Shani, D., and Chalasani, S., 2013. Exploiting niches using relationship marketing. Journal of Services Marketing. Wind, Y. J., and Mahajan, V., 2012. Digital marketing: global strategies from the worlds leading experts. John Wiley sons.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Writing Persuasive Essay Topics For Elementary School Students

Writing Persuasive Essay Topics For Elementary School StudentsThere are many reasons why you should consider writing persuasive essays. There are many people who teach writing to children and teens because they find that writing persuasive essays is a fantastic way to keep their attention on them while they are learning and reading. If you were thinking about making a career out of writing persuasive essays, then now is the time to start. This article discusses some of the ways in which you can make a name for yourself writing persuasive essays for elementary school students.First of all, you have to write articles that will be useful to your target audience, so that your article topics will be more or less common article topics for them. For example, the audience could include elementary school students. They will learn from the information that you provide that they are not the only people that may want to know some things, and that you will explain them in your article.Of course, the more conversational you can be in your persuasive essay topics for elementary school students, the better you will do. You will be able to connect with them better if you get into the habit of interacting with them. This could include simple conversations about what topics you think would interest them.This is the reason why it is important to also give your persuasive essay topics for elementary school students a character profile. Each article is a chance for you to explain your personality and value system, and to tell the reader how you hope to help them. Even if you do not use a personal profile, you may want to look at the audience's reactions when you write their essays.This means that you will be able to target the audience that you want to write persuasive essay topics for elementary school students. You may want to put your point of view in these essays, but it will be much easier if you focus on those points that you can explain in a more conversational style. It may be hard to be like a typical person, but it will be more interesting if you are unique to the audience.Writing persuasive essay topics for elementary school students will be more effective if you use the words that you will encounter at home or in the work place. It will help you relate to your audience in a more natural way. While they are learning, you will have to treat them as if they are the most important people in the world, and you will want to be helpful and enlightening.Writing persuasive essay topics for elementary school students will also help you meet your deadlines. This is especially true if you have an assignment that you have to finish at a certain time. This is why it is important to include the deadline in your article, so that the readers will know that you will be addressing their needs as quickly as possible.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Number One System You Should Be Using for Nikola Tesla Topic Sentences for Essay Samples

The Number One System You Should Be Using for Nikola Tesla Topic Sentences for Essay Samples Essentially, the corporate mission statement guides Tesla's strategic decisions, like in just what the business must do in order to accomplish business effectiveness. Tesla did a great deal of work on a Unified Field Theory, something which physicists still hunt for today. Conclusion Tesla's life story is among the most vivid examples of a wonderful genius and a genuine passion for science. Today, folks must realize that the growth of AI cannot be stopped due to its beneficial factors for people in a variety of spheres. Tesla can segment by people's interests, they can observe how many and what sort of individuals are thinking about cutting their traveling costs to a couple cents. One of the simplest and most productive ways is to simply say Thank you. To acquire the authentic voice, you require a wonderful talent and a great deal of practice. How to Choose Nikola Tesla Topic Sente nces for Essay Samples This transformer is called the Tesla coil. Tesla coils also have been used to supply particular effects for the entertainment market. Tesla's dream was supposed to provide completely free energy to the world. On the other hand, the principal concern is the way long Tesla Motors is going to be in a position to hold its competitive advantage in reference toward its technology with time. It turned out to be a huge accomplishment for Tesla. Westinghouse and Tesla started to work with each other to generate electricity for the nation utilizing long-distance power. Revenue for MRI machine sales is predicted to increase in these years. Upon moving to the usa, Tesla started to work with another renowned American inventor, Thomas Edison. It accepted a job under Tivadar Puskas in a Budapest telegraph company in 1880. It is crucial that Tesla stays in full charge of its product lifecycle process as the provider deals with many suppliers from other countries throughout the world. The Key to Successful Nikola Tesla Topic Sentences for Essay Samples All companies are looking for the new market in the automobile industr y that's the electric line. But some competitors know of the very long term plan for Tesla to create a wide variety of models, which will include affordably priced family cars. India's large and expanding workforce is extremely skilled as a consequence of improving educational system. The financial downturn may also be an ailing element for Tesla Motors as well. Tesla came to the USA in 1884. Tesla Motors has accomplished a lot with a brief time a lot more than another automobile businesses. It hopes to become a household name as they plan to gain more global presence and expand their business in the international market. Despite the increasing competition in the market, it remains unique and focused in the business of automobile manufacturing. Let us take a look at some easy yet interesting expository essays that you are able to use 1. Studies have revealed that continuous sitting can cause adverse impacts on the wellness of students. Much of the significance of his work hasn't been realised until recent years and because of this he is not accorded the complete credit he is due. Then, in a couple of sentences mention the reason you're taking leave form school. On occasion the letter could be written after taking leave but it's always advisable to notify the school beforehand. But the reality is otherwise! This chapter the moment it appears is among the strangest for an individual to read. Most importantly, we'll deal with every client with respect and supply personal attention from your very first enquiry. The purpose of constructing this tower was supposed to connect telephone and telegraph solutions, and broadcast images, reports, and weather information to each corner of the planet. If you're interested in the best prices for college essay 2019, we advise you to take a look at our site, where you will find all the needed info on a huge scope of discounts we provide to our clientele. The setting you decide on ought to be stored on your computer, which means you may leave the site and they need to be automatically restored when you come back to the page.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Essay Topics for Terrance and Phillip - Think About Character Development

Essay Topics for Terrance and Phillip - Think About Character DevelopmentWhen choosing your essay topics for the Terrance and Phillip series of essays, there are several things you should keep in mind. One of the most important is that you choose topics that fit with the characters.In the original book, the main character, Terrance, was a man who was unaware of the fact that his dog was supposed to be his sidekick. With that being said, the scenarios he experiences in the Wasteland are often times stories that have happened to him through some type of dream. This can make it hard to find ways of describing what you're trying to say. So how do you find topics that will bring out the humor and not just bore your readers?The first thing you should do is think about the way that Terrance and Phillip interact with each other. Remember that when they first meet, Terrance becomes the mentor to Phillip. The thing is, the books aren't always clear on this relationship. How can you figure out what makes this relationship between the two of them interesting and what can you include in the essay that will really stir up some emotions?One of the areas that you will want to include in your Terrance and Phillip essay is the idea of a rat. The way the two of them interact is very similar to the way that rats live. You will want to take note of how Phillip reacts to Terrance's actions. Also, one of the things that you'll want to talk about is the way that Terrance interacts with animals. It's also important to talk about how Phillip views rats, the animals, and Terrance's relationship with each one.There is also the story of the Incas. They too were the last of their kind and they believed that the word they spoke in their language would allow them to come back to the world. It's interesting to know that when Terrance comes to the land of the Incas, he is a new creature altogether. He has many questions for the Incas and as a result, the two of them work together in order to so lve the problems. When they're together, it's interesting to see how Terrance changes and the way that Phillip takes notice of that change.The story of the Indians is another interesting addition to Terrance and Phillip. You'll want to look at the way that they interact with the area that they are living in. There is also the notion of losing their identity. These people were once able to speak with one language, but that's when Terrance and Phillip come along and push them over the edge.Other than the traditional things that you would want to include in your Terrance and Phillip essay, you should also make sure that you include a few things that are new to the series. One of the ways that the series does this is by creating multiple stories in which the characters are involved. When you're looking for the subjects for your essay, make sure that you include a few different things. When you do, you'll be able to take each and every topic and figure out a way that you can incorporate it into your own essay. Just remember that, since each of the essays is about a different person or group of people, be sure that you stay true to the theme that you have created.One of the things that you should also be careful of when selecting the subjects for your Terrance and Phillip essay is to think about how well the characters have developed through the series. If you're writing an essay that covers a part of Terrance's life, you'll want to make sure that it captures the essence of the person and what he's become.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Thoughts on Essay Paper Writer in Step by Step Order

Thoughts on Essay Paper Writer in Step by Step Order Lies You've Been Told About Essay Paper Writer An essay can't be a stream of consciousness. Mark 16 May, 2018 Essay Writing 2 Comments If you're in two minds about which essay writing service to pick for your tricky essay, then be concerned not, we've got a plethora of alternatives for you. Needless to say, the very best means is to order an essay online. Perhaps, there's no such thing as the ideal essay writing company, but we did our very best to evaluate every criterion to choose the top collection of online writers. One, we apply an extremely careful range of our writers. The writers we're hiring are all about structure and formatting, and therefore you don't need to be concerned about doing it. The ideal college paper writing service If you fret about the standard of your essay as well as you're worrying about whether you can locate a paper writer you are able to trust, you've come to the perfect place. A 1 hour essay deadline may be a true problem, if you're not good enough at writing and expressing your ideas on a topic you aren't really interested in. Some students don't have to get essays written from scratch, but simply require an editor who will be in a position to produce all necessary adjustments to a paper of 1500, 2000, or words to help it become perfect. Our writers also undergo a string of other training that could truly convince us they are excellent for the job. Unique writers can get the job done for you then whenever you are paid you pay them a proportion of what it is you're paid. Only writers that are interested in your topic place will place a bid to aid you. You may don't hesitate to place an order with us and more than 600 writers are waiting to assist you. Don't allow different folks defining how long you need to spend for yourself. The cases once we can assist you, vary a good deal. The Foolproof Essay Paper Writer Strategy Boom Essays are an international company based in america. Money back guarantee We can provide you a complete refund of your money if you're not completely happy with the work of your writers. Each writer has their own field of expertise, meaning that you're able to ask us to take care of any subject irrespective of if you're based in the united kingdom, Australia, USA, or Canada. Wherever you study, the US, the united kingdom, or another nation, the essay is going to be delivered to you on time. Other essay services might be more efficient in regard to their operations but they're not quite as effective as us. If you ask us for help, you may rest assured your essay is going to be written by real professionals. Needless to say that a few folks are prepared to do anything rather than writing an academical paper. What you should do is to fill out the purchase form, make a payment, and in a few minutes, you'll get your individual essay helper. Hence, you ought to ensure that you're able to order an article anytime you need and get it done a few hours. Today, among the most often practiced ways to address educational problems is ordering written papers. What You Need to Know About Essay Paper Writer Because of this from using our services, you will get a custom-written paper you may use for your own purposes. Request for revisions if you feel it's lacking at all. Some folks don't scan for plagiarism as they are unaware of it, utilizing the incorrect citation style or don't have any access to proper checking tools. The customers, wishing to change the structure of the text, are eligible to find a complimentary revision. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Essay Paper Writer The representatives of our on-line custom writing team is easily reached whatsoever times. One of the best job boards for telecommuting, FlexJobs enables you to make a customized job search profile to fulfill your specific requirements. In case you're indecisive to pay a person to compose your essay, explore other facets of our websites or contact our support team for any extra guidelines. An essay writing service offers them an ideal solution as it allows them to find the work done without needing to commit their time. When the writer completes the academic work, he's paid in line with the website's terms. In case the account is not correctly managed, it may be terminated and as a consequence, the author can make fantastic losses. It is crucial to analyze the site's performance also. What every student needs is to locate a site that provides quick aid and cheap rates.