Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Service Marketing Queen Zaria Brand

Question: Discuss about theService Marketing for Queen Zaria Brand. Answer: Introduction: As a young breast cancer survivor, life changed a whole lot for Kamya Ghose. Life was never the same again for her. After her diagnosis, things became extremely difficult. After her surgery, life did not go back to normal. She even felt lonely and isolated. As she was looking for lingerie that could fit her, she further faced more challenges. She struggled to find bras after her operation. There was need for her to regain confidence in her body and to feel and look sexy again. After the emotional turmoil, Kamya decided to develop a lingerie line which dealt with the niche market of those who had survived breast cancer. Her lingerie line did not target the whole market, but exclusively targeted women who had had surgery related to breast cancer. She decided to introduce braziers that fit the survivors, look sexy, comfortable and is specifically made for them. Queen Zaria Brand Queen Zaria brand should offer services that will match the needs of those who have undergone mastectomy. First of all, the company should avoid using the underwire while making the braziers because the underwire is mostly located at the point where the mastectomy scar is. As a result, the underwire could hurt someone who has undergone mastectomy because of the pressure points. However, they can also make a provision of braziers with the underwire to enhance maximum support of the breast forms (Riad, 2011, p. 373). Secondly, the company should adjust the traditional shapes of bras. Thirdly, the company should use stretching fabrics to accommodate those who have had mastectomy on only one side. These bras are normally made from stretch material to enable flexibility so that they do not limit the breast forms used in mastectomy. Fourth, the company should add plus sizes (Crompvoets, 2009, pp. 75-93). Some of the steps that Queen Zaria brand needs to take to ensure excellent word of mouth at the point of customer contact include; first, the company needs to access target influencers. They should communicate to influencers in their market, such as activists, journalists, bloggers or even public figures who are normally heard by a large group of people, especially on television. The company can for example hold a talk show with one of the journalists in a popularmedia house (Sernovitz, Godin Kawasaki, 2010, p. 98). Secondly, Kamya and the other members of the managing team can create occasions where they can expose their products to the general public such as a general trial day. In this, they can make the occasion open to the whole public, with a specification of the breast cancer survivors and they can be allowed to tag along with them a friend or a family member. In these forums the people are taught on the importance of putting on lingerie after mastectomy and even how to put o n the lingerie. Through this, the company will have communicated by word of mouth to their customers (Li, Lin Lai, 2010, pp. 294-304). Thirdly, the Queen Zaria brand can promote and make a follow up with their clients after a sale. They can call the client and ask them how they feel when using the product, or send them a message and give them room for feedback. Some of the reasons why digital marketing may not work well for all segments being targeted by Queen Zaria brand include; some people may face the challenge of slow internet connections especially if the company uses too complex websites which might easily make the clients feel bored (Nadaraja Yazdanifard, 2013, p. 213) . Another reason is that the clients may lack trust in Queen Zaria brand because in the digital marketing sector, there are many people who are fraudsters and this destroys the image of reputable companies like Queen Zaria. Digital marketing may not work well because since the products of Queen Zaria brand are displayed online, some companies tend to copy their product lines because in most cases the products can be copied electronically (Wind Mahajan, 2012, p. 133). As much as Queen Zaria brand uses digital marketing, it is also important to incorporate traditional marketing methods in their marketing strategy. Traditional marketing refers to marketing products via televisions, radios, newspapers or by moving door to door. Some of the ways that the company can use to carry out traditional marketing are as follows; first, the company can deploy some of the members of the sales and marketing department to visit the cancer wards in hospitals. Here they can access patients who are recuperating after surgery and tell them about their lingerie. They can also go to hospitals where cancer survivors go for therapy and checkup. Here again they can access patients who have undergone various surgical procedures and are seeking emotional help and they can be part of their emotional well-being by selling them lingerie that will make them feel and look more sexy (Shani Chalasani, 2013, p. 89-93). The company can also market their products on newspapers whereb y they can send the photos of their models to various newspaper agents and then the pictures are printed in their newspapers and sold to various clients. Through this, the information about Queen Zaria brand can reach diversified audiences and even breast cancer survivors. They can equally use radios and televisions to advertise their lingerie and this reaches their target audience in Melbourne and they are sure that the information cannot be copied by fraudsters. Queen Zaria brand can book radio and television shows where they carry out their advertising. They can inform the public on how they can use the lingerie meant for mastectomy survivors, how they can acquire them and how they can keep them clean after acquiring them (Schmitt, 2014, pp. 53-67). Conclusion It is important for the breast cancer survivors to feel and look normal again after undergoing reconstructive surgery in order to help them so that they do not face prejudice. It is complicated going through the cancer survival process. Just like Kamya, many young women suffer as they look for lingerie that fits them after undergoing mastectomy. Some fashion houses recommend that they put on sportswear which is very uncomfortable. Thanks to companies such as Queen Zaria brand which caters for the needs of breast cancer survivors, they can still look fashionable. They manufacture the ideal lingerie for these survivors which make them feel and look sexy again, and help them regain their confidence by making braziers that do not hurt them and enhance their asymmetrical look. These companies need to embrace proper marketing techniques to enable them reach their niche market. Some breast cancer survivors feel shy about their situation and therefore continue to suffer in silence. It is the refore important to reach them through methods that will be empowering to them. Queen Zaria brand can access this niche market through either traditional marketing or digital marketing. Some of the traditional marketing methods are advertising through televisions, radios or newspapers while digital marketing is where the products are advertised online. The marketing strategy is important because through this they can assist many women who are suffering and at the same time sell their products as they make enormous profits. References Crompvoets, S., 2009. Comfort, control or conformity: women who choose breast reconstruction following mastectomy. Health care for women international. Li, Y. M., Lin, C. H., and Lai, C. Y., 2010. Identifying influential reviewers for word of mouth marketing. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. Nadaraja, R. and Yazdanifard, R., 2013. Social media marketing: advantages and disadvantages. Center of Southern New Hampshire University. Riad, C.M., 2011. Breast prosthesis form. U.S. Patent Application no. 30. Schmitt, B., 2014. Experiential marketing. Journal of marketing management. Sernovitz, A., Godin, S. and Kawasaki, G., 2010. Word of mouth marketing: how smart companies get people talking. Kaplan pub. Shani, D., and Chalasani, S., 2013. Exploiting niches using relationship marketing. Journal of Services Marketing. Wind, Y. J., and Mahajan, V., 2012. Digital marketing: global strategies from the worlds leading experts. John Wiley sons.

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